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DABOTEK ApS- Birkedam 10 S - DK Danmark - 6000 Kolding
Tlf.: +457550 5666 Fax.: +45 7550 4795 E-mail:

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Technical characteristics of our ceramic
Property table our ceramic materials VDE 0335 (DIN 40865).
Heading d. material KER 410 (C410) KER 511 (B 511)
Color White Brown 
Pressed Pressed
Wasseraufnahmevemögen % 0 5
Density kg/mm2
2,1 1,9
Compressive strenght N/mm2
300 200
50 35
Mohs-hardness 7 6
Wärmefeitfärigkeit (kcal/m.h.m.grd) 1,7-2,0 1,1-1,3
Temperaturwechselkeit (grad Celcius) 250 340-380
Fire resistance to Seger cones  -- 18-32
Cone case point to the degree --- 1520-1710

Corrosion resistance:
Ceramic insulation are against corrosive effects of the atmosphere in the presence of salt, acid and alkalihaligen Dämpen and Lower beating - with the exception vo hydrofluoric acid - durable.

Kennzeichnende characteristics:
Large temperature resistance, the specific operating conditions of the electric heating appliances adapted
